About Munchie, Munchie, Munchie (song by Boowa & Kwala)

Munchie, Munchie, Munchie

“Munchie, Munchie, Munchie” is a song recording by the music group Boowa & Kwala. It is from the album 12 Sing Along Songs. The song and the music for the song are written and composed by Jason Barnard.

“Munchie, Munchie, Munchie” is a song by Boowa and Kwala that talks about how Boowa and Kwala eats their meals, accompanied by music and lyrics. The song is sung by Boowa (voiced by Jason Barnard) and Kwala (voiced by Véronique Barnard).

The song “Munchie, Munchie, Munchie” is 3 minutes and 9 seconds long.


Mum says I eat horribly,
My breakfast dinner lunch and tea,
But I simply cannot see,
Why she says these things to me

Munchie, munchie, munchie,
I scrunch and crunch and munch my lunch,
Munchie, munchie, munchie,
I scrunch and crunch my lunch.

Mum says I eat horribly,
My breakfast dinner lunch and tea,
But I simply cannot see,
Why she says these things to me

Repeat Chorus

Dad says I sound like a horse
When I eat my chips with brown sauce
When I eat them with ketchup
He tells me I’m a mucky pup

Repeat Chorus

Gran says I eat like a pig
And that my mouthfuls are too big
But she hasn’t cottoned on
That food is better by the ton

Repeat Chorus

Grandpa doesn’t seem to care
How I eat when he is there
His manners are much worse than mine
He farts and belches all the time.

Repeat Chorus

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