Brand SERP: What Appears When Someone Googles Your Name

Brand SERP: What Appears When Someone Googles Your Name with Jason Barnard (Ep.#30)
Today’s episode touches upon the topic of Brand Building. We’ll talk about Brand SERPs. SERP stands for search engine results page, which is the page with all the search results listed you see when you’ve entered a search term in a search engine like Google. Once you have a personal brand, people will start searching your name. At this point, your Brand SERP becomes phenomenally important. We’ll talk about how you can influence and optimise your Brand SERP.
You’ll learn how to design and control the search results for your brand name and your own name. Your Brand Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is like your business card. It’s important to be mindful of and intentional about what people who search for you see and are presented.
Published by Dragon Digital Marketing January 8, 2021. Host: Monique Idemudia. Guest: Jason Barnard, founder and CEO at Kalicube.