Jason Barnard, The Brand SERP Guy

Suds and Search 65 | Jason Barnard, the Brand SERP Guy
Jason is the owner of Kalicube, an online SaaS product offering all sorts of cool tools, guides, and training to optimize for a brand SERP.
You might be asking… What is Brand SERP? How would someone go about optimizing for a Brand SERP? No one has spent more time thinking about these questions than Jason Barnard.
He is a frequent presenter at major conferences all over the world. You may have heard Jason present at BrightonSEO, PubCon, YoastCon, and many of the different SMX events.
Published by Suds & Search June 8, 2021. Host: Mark Bealin. Guest: Jason Barnard, founder and CEO at Kalicube.