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Weekly Wisdom with Jason Barnard: Google Ads for Brand Searches

In local search, a lot of the time people don’t click through to your website. They never see your website, so Google’s search result becomes your homepage. You could also say it is your business card because people are going to search your brand before doing business with you and what they see on that SERP will affect the way they feel about you in a similar manner to the way a business card will function.

Now, who is searching for your brand? Prospects, clients, investors, partners, journalists, job candidates, subscribers, many others. They are searching for your brand name because they are ready to do business with you. What they see on that Brand SERP is phenomenally important to whether or not they take that final step. Google Ads is the easiest place to start because you control what it shows, and it is right at the top. With the other rich elements on that brand SERP, you can influence it. That is what I do for a living. But you can’t control them directly. So, Google Ads is always a good place to start.

Video and Published by: SEMRush. Guest: Jason Barnard. September 3, 2019.

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