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How Will You Establish Credibility As a New Entrepreneur? (Chasing the Insights Podcast)

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How Will You Establish Credibility As a New Entrepreneur? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this video, entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube, Jason Barnard shares the techniques to build “Credibility.” He emphasizes the importance of finding the right focus. Concentrate on places and things that appeal to your audience, which will almost certainly resonate with Google. For more insights, watch the video right to the end.

What you’ll learn:

00:00 Jason Barnard and Vince Warnock
00:01 How Can You, as a New Entrepreneur, Establish Credibility?
00:36 How Can You Ensure that Google Understands Your Content?
00:52 How Do You Gain Acceptance and Credibility Among Your Peers?
01:11 What Strategies Can You Use to Write for Industry-Specific Publications?

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from Chasing the Insights Podcast.”

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Transcript from How Will You Establish Credibility As a New Entrepreneur? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

Vince Warnock: For newer entrepreneurs, anyone who’s relatively new or building a new brand, essentially, something that’s different from what they’ve done in the past. How do they establish that credibility early on?

Jason Barnard: Right. Well, I mean, if you have qualifications, I have a degree in Economics and Statistical Analysis. That makes sense. So I would push on that. If I had a degree in Sociology, I wouldn’t focus on that. So it’s a question of focus. Find the things to focus on and you will immediately see if I start focusing on it naturally for my audience because I know it will resonate with my audience.

It’s almost certainly going to resonate with Google. And all you need to do is make sure that Google can understand, which is great copywriting, clear copywriting, and disseminating that information on multiple sources. Once again, first, second and third parties websites, those I control, those I semi controlled and those I don’t control.

Vince Warnock: Nice.

Jason Barnard: Then you can start thinking, well where are the places that I need to be accepted and appreciated? Who are my peers in my new space who need to appreciate me for me to be understood, to be accepted and credible and then you cozy up to them.

Vince Warnock: Yeah. Get wine and dine them.

Jason Barnard: Yeah, wine and dine them and get the opportunities to write. For example for me, I write for Search Engine Journal. I write for Search Engine Land. That gives me credibility in the SEO space but then I want to be a personal brand expert for CEOs and founders. So I write for Forbes, I write for Entrepreneur. And that mixes the two together and I then become the Google SEO marketing expert for CEOs and founders. It brings them together.

So you just got to be smart and intelligent and if you think about it, what I’m doing is getting my audience, the CEOs and founders, to see me on Forbes, wonder whether I’m an expert in what I’m talking about, which is Google. Go and Search Engine Land say, yes, he is, we’re good. Google does the same thing but Google does it super fast and at scale.

Vince Warnock: Wow, I love this approach, man.

This Knowledge Nugget is taken from Chasing the Insights Podcast hosted by Vince Warnock.

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