Digital Nomad

Personal Stuff » Digital Nomad

Since January 2019, I have been 100% nomad in 2019. No home, just sofas, hotels and AirBnB. Right now things are a bit up in the air (to say the least).

The calendar below shows where I am, where I will be, where I was… and what I am / was supposed to be doing :)

If you are a Digital Marketing Expert or a musician (or both) and you are in the same place as me at any point, read on…

Digital Marketing Experts

Don’t be shy – please do get in contact to be on the With Jason Barnard podcast

See below to see if this type of conversation is for you.


I am up for a jam (or even a gig). Acoustic or electric.
I have my Uke Bass with me and am happy to sit and repeat a good bass line for longer than is strictly necessary. Am also keen to sing, when I am given even the tiniest encouragement.

See below to see if I am likely to be a good fit for your musical foibles.

The Calendar

Want to jam?
Just give me a shout on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn
or email me if you have my email :)
With Jason Barnard Podcast
Want to take the risk of being on the show? Just give me a shout on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn… or email me if you have my email :)