About Sleep Boowa and Kwala (song by Boowa & Kwala)
“Sleep Boowa and Kwala” is a song recording for children by Boowa & Kwala from the music album 53 Bright Songs From the TV Series.
“Sleep Boowa and Kwala” is a song by the music group Boowa and Kwala that shows with a little help of a song you will be able to go to sleep, accompanied by music and lyrics. “Sleep Boowa and Kwala” is included in the episode “The Pyjama Party” from the 2008 TV series “Boowa & Kwala” produced by PMMP (France) and ITV International (UK). The song is sung by Mummy Koala (voiced by Céline Chevrier).
The song “Sleep Boowa and Kwala” is 1 miinute and 15 seconds long.