Boowa & Kwala

Boowa & Kwala
Boowa & Kwala - Jason & Veronique BARNARD

Boowa & Kwala is a fictional universe created by Véronique Barnard and Jason Barnard.

The universe is named after the main characters: Boowa who is a blue dog and Kwala who is a yellow koala.

Who Created Boowa and Kwala?

Véronique Barnard and Jason Barnard created Boowa and Kwala in 1998. The first story was “Around the World in 12 Songs with Boowa & Kwala”, released as an audio book (narrated by Sir Tony Robinson) and as a series of online cartoons, songs and games. In 2003, Véronique and Jason introduced Boowa & Kwala’s families (Dawa, Mawa, Siwa, Daddy Koala, Mummy Koala, Grandpa Koala and Grandma Koala), and made a TV series with ITV International that aired around the globe. At its height, the website attracted 60 million visits a year.

When did Boowa and Kwala come out?

Boowa and Kwala first appeared in 1998 as stars of their own website for kids built using Macromedia Flash. The TV series came out in 2007.

What is the History of Boowa and Kwala?

Starting in 1998, their initial success came on the web through That quickly expanded to music albums and TV program.

Who Voices Boowa and Kwala?

Kwala is voiced by Véronique Barnard and Boowa is voiced by Jason Barnard. 

Who are Boowa and Kwala?

Boowa and Kwala are fictional characters created by Jason Barnard and his ex-wife. These characters were designed to share goodness and explain the world to children under six years old with kindness. Boowa is a blue dog who plays the role of a kindly older brother, while Kwala is a small yellow koala who doesn’t really understand the world. Boowa takes Kwala through the world, explaining it to her little by little. They were featured in various songs and videos as a form of educational content, aimed at helping children develop essential life skills and values, such as politeness and empathy. Their content became popular and was useful to many parents and children.


Boowa & Kwala website circa 2007
Boowa & Kwala Web Series started in 1998

Created for preschoolers worldwide by Véronique and myself in 1998. A big, friendly blue dog (me) and a cute yellow Koala (Vero).
Games, Stories, Cartoons and Songs made using Adobe Flash, and still running :)

My roles: Flash game development, SEO, voices, music, scripts.

The infamous song :)

in 2007 it ranked in the 10,000 most visited sites in the world with 5 million monthly visits (that’s 60 million a year a,d a billion pageviews).

Musical Group

Over 100 recordings, two albums in both French and English (children’s music)

More info:
12 Sing along songs >>
53 bright Songs From the TV Series >>

TV Series

TV Series produced by ITV International

 Boowa & Kwala TV series (52 x 5′) shown in France, Canada, Poland, Israel, South Africa, New Zealand and the UK… 2007 – Produced by ITV Studios (UK), Guili (FR) and Radio Canada (CA). Full list of episodes here >>

My roles: Voiceover (5 characters), songwriting and scriptwriting – all in both English and French.

On YouTube

Kids playing the games, singing the songs and generally enjoying Boowa & Kwala :)


The Boowa & Kwala fictional universe contains 9 characters in total – Boowa and Kwala plus their families who co-star in TV program, the web series and the music albums. Here they are >>