4 Hours of E-A-T | What is E-A-T and Why is It So Very Important?
Published by: SEMRush. Guests: Jennifer Slegg, Ric Rodriguez, Casey Markee. Host: Jason Barnard. April 24, 2020.
Entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker and innovator
Published by: SEMRush. Guests: Jennifer Slegg, Ric Rodriguez, Casey Markee. Host: Jason Barnard. April 24, 2020.
Jason Barnard is a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, acclaimed keynote speaker, and award-winning innovator. He’s the CEO and founder of Kalicube, a premium Digital Branding Consultancy in France. Jason specializes in personal brand intelligence, giving business leaders control over how decision-makers perceive them on Google and AI when million-dollar decisions are at stake.
Jono Alderson will give you the keys to bringing Google around to your point of view by providing information in formats it can easily digest and understand: clear copywriting, well-structured…
E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is now generally accepted to be an incredibly important focus in SEO today. Lily Ray is one of the pioneers and recognized leaders of this…
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Getting a web page indexed doesn’t guarantee that it will rank well in search engines and bring organic traffic to your site. However, not getting your web pages indexed guarantees…
Bartosz Góralewicz, CEO of Onely, is known for his deep dives into Google’s indexing pipeline. He’s been testing the limits of Google’s JavaScript processing capabilities and trying to figure out…
Tom Pool, Faisal Anderson and Julien Deneuville are discussing Log file Analysis – What You Should Be Looking For and is hosted by Jason Barnard. Tom Pool is a technical…