Jason Barnard Life Story

Personal Stuff » Jason Barnard Life Story
Jason Barnard (CEO of Kalicube) talking

Here is a video where Jason Barnard tells you all about his life from early childhood to today.

21st Century Entrepreneurship Interview

On the 21st Century Entrepreneurship podcast with Martin Piskoric, I kind of told my life story. The episode won a prize. So we made a video of the 7 identifiable “chunks” using animals to drive the narrative (tenuous, but kind of makes sense to me :) Listen in – from a punk childhood with sheep and cows to The Brand SERP Guy with some horses, dogs, and a falcon along the way.

  1. A punk childhood with Sheep and Cows
  2. Singing the Blues with Stanley the Counting Horse
  3. Punk-Folk double bass with The Barking Dogs
  4. Cartoons for kids with Boowa and Kwala
  5. Rebuilding a Lost Soul from the ground up
  6. Pragmatism and imagination: flying high with Kalicube
  7. My Alter Ego: The Brand SERP Guy

More information about Jason Barnard (for a filter pill experiment :)