25+ Experts explain how COVID-19 affects SEO and what you need to do?
Published on Miloszkrasinski August 2020
If your business is a brick and mortar establishment, such as a restaurant or retail outlet, you’ll no doubt be panicking about the future of at the moment – and the last thing you want to do is spend more money on advertising and PPC – even if you have an online store as well.
Jason Barnard, founder and CEO Kalicube
Perhaps take this opportunity to take a step back and have a good long, hard look in the mirror. Search your [Brand] (exact match) and look at what Google shows your audience when they check you out…
Is it positive, accurate and convincing? If not, make it so – that is your business card and can make or break your business. But there’s more! Google has by far the most data about your brand’s ecosystem (and in particular your marketing strategy)… so that Brand SERP is the best reflection of your digital ecosystem you’ll find.
Look at that reflection (in the Brand SERP mirror), identify your strengths and (particularly) your weaknesses, and set out a more balanced and effective digital marketing strategy.