With about 83% of online research being done on the Google search engine, it has unarguably become an indispensable tool for small business brand building. However, you must know how to package your content to help Google achieve your business goals. Google prioritizes web content with the most effective and efficient answers to users’ solutions. Hence, you must strive to position your website as the most authoritative and trustworthy go-to for your target audience. When you convince Google you have the requisite expertise, it will recommend you as the solution to its subset of users who are your target audience. In today’s podcast, Jason Barnard from Kalicube and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss ‘Brand SERPs and Knowledge Panels- Managing Your Brand on Google.

Video by: The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast. Host: Stephen Halasnik. Guest: Jason Barnard. November 9, 2022.

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